The Gig Economy

It is said that alcohol amplifies what you feel inside. If you are a joyful person, you won't stop laughing and giggling after a few drinks. But if you're already sad inside, a few drinks will only make you more depressed. I like to think in these terms when it comes to how the workforce feels about our "new normal" post-pandemic.

What we are witnessing here is the acceleration of a trend that was underlying for quite some time. Propelled by the millennia, most people dreamed of a flexible workplace, an a la carte education or an exotic relocation by project — the sort that would require travel and discovering foreign cultures while exploring personal development all at once.

Patrick Bensen


Patrick is both an Organizational Psychologist (coaching businesses, entrepreneurs, HR director and CEO in workplace best practice for a better business strategy) and a Clinical Psychologist (helping individuals, couples, teenagers or employees to deal with their psychological issues from their daily life or work life.

Patrick is also an entrepreneur and understands extremely well the need of CEOs and HR managers without losing focus on preoccupations and worries coming from employees. He is a renowned business coach and member of the Forbes Business Coaches Council.

Member of the Canadian Psychological Association as well as the International Association for Counselling (IAC) he has consultation right to the United Nations where he speaks about advanced psychology practices. In 2016, the UN scientific committee appointed him to open the 50th-anniversary symposium on psychology progress.

He is also registered as an expert in Organization Change for the EU Commission. He is a keynote speaker and course facilitator and he promotes the only Psychologically healthy workplace standard in the world, developed in Canada.

What Life Throws


Humanity First